

使問題更加複雜的是,示波器技術的快速發展,要求進行定期的大量再投資,才能趕得上發展的趨勢。9500B 示波器校準工作站打破了這一常規。這意味著,它能使每個人都能享受免人工干預的全自動精確示波器的校準,價格和性能水平完全滿足用戶的需要和預算,不僅如此,在需要時,可以進行全面的性能升級,滿足將來的需要。

福祿克提供一系列的有源探頭,9560的推出再次兌現了我們對示波器校準不斷升級的承諾。當前使用9500 的用戶可以將其設備升級到9500B,即可享受9560探頭所帶來的好處。9560 可提供6.0 GHz 的穩幅正弦波和僅為70 ps 的快沿脈衝。

與其他示波器校準器不同的是,9500B脈衝幅度可調。有源信號頭技術™ 使您可以在4.44 mV 到3.1 V 之間調節輸出幅度,這就使您能夠直接在示波器靈敏的量程上來檢查示波器的放大器。無論您選擇什麼脈衝幅度,受控波形濾波技術將保證所有的高速快沿都具有規定好的準確快沿脈衝。

  • 自動化的功能提供了完全免干預的示波器校準- 即使是在校準當今高性能的多通道、多功能示波器時也能實現。

  • 不斷升級的能力有助於保護您在校準示波器上的投資。

  • 5 通道同步輸出意味著不再需要改連續切換,也不再需要復雜的信號多路轉換開關或電阻匹配網絡。

  • 6.0 GHz 的穩幅正弦波和70 ps 的快沿脈衝具有校準高性能示波器所需的全部性能和靈活性。

  • 福祿克計量校準部獨有的有源信號頭技術™ 可以在示波器的輸入端產生校准信號– 不必懷疑連接導線或示波器本身是否造成了波形失真。


The world's highest performance, fully automated, upgradeable oscilloscope calibration workstation

Oscilloscope calibration can be complex, time consuming and expensive. A significant amount of skilled operator interaction and interpretation is often required to complete the job, and today’s multi-channel instruments frequently mean that a great deal of lead switching is required. Even automated systems require significant manual intervention to complete elements of the most simple calibration procedures. Worse still, switching systems or multiplexers used to enable a degree of automation often contribute more errors and aberrations than the instrument being calibrated.

To compound the problem, rapid developments in oscilloscope technology make it difficult to keep up with performance trends without substantial re-investment on a regular basis. The 9500B Oscilloscope Calibration Workstation breaks that paradigm. It means that the benefits of hands-free, fully-automated, accurate oscilloscope calibration are readily available to everyone at a price and performance level that your needs and budget can support, while ensuring that, through performance upgrades, future needs will be met when the time demands it.

9560 Active Head – for ultimate leveled sine performance to 6.0 GHz

The introduction of the latest member of the Active Head family, 9560, once again underlines our commitment to oscilloscope calibration. With our continued focus on securing your investment, the 9560 Active Head is the latest product to fulfill this promise, allowing current users of the 9500 to upgrade their equipment to any 9500B status and take advantage of more recent product and performance enhancements. The 9560 is able to deliver 6.0 GHz leveled sine wave and pulse edges of only 70 ps.

Unlike other oscilloscope calibrators, you’re not restricted to fixed amplitude pulses. Active Head Technology™ lets you adjust output amplitude between 4.44 mV and 3.1V, allowing you to check an oscilloscope’s amplifiers right down to their most sensitive ranges. Whatever amplitude you choose, controlled waveshape filtering ensures that all high-speed edges have an accurately defined energy distribution.

  • Full automation provides totally hands-free oscilloscope calibration - even on today’s ultra-high performance, multi-channel, feature rich instruments.

  • Continuous upgradeability helps you protect your investment in the tools you need to manage ever changing workload demands.

  • Simultaneous output on 5 channels means no more lead changing and no more complicated signal multiplexers or impedance matching networks.

  • Leveled sinewaves to 6.0 GHz and edges to 70 ps provide all the performance and flexibility you need to fully calibrate today’s and tomorrow’s high performance oscilloscopes.

  • Fluke Calibration’s unique Active Head Technology™ generates calibration signals right at the oscilloscope input – now there is no doubt whether waveform aberrations are down to connecting leads or the oscilloscope itself.


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